EBC Brakes 501 High Quality Brake Shoes with High Friction Linings for increased efficiency. For use on the following models:
Yamaha Street Bikes/Scooters: MJ 50 J Towny (82 F&R), QT 50 Yamahopper (G/2G/H/J/K/L/N/S/T) (80-87 F&R), CA 50 Riva (K/L/N/S) (83-86 F), CE 50 (ES/ET) (86-87 F), CG 50 (EU/W/A/B) (88-91 F), SH 50 Razz (T/EMT/U/MU/W/MW/A/MA/B/D/MD/E/F/K/L) (87-94/98-99 F)
Yamaha Dirt Bikes: PW 50 (H/J/K/N/S/T/A/B/D/E/F/H/J/K/L/M/P/R/S/T/V/W/X/Y/B/D/E/F/K/L) (81-09/12-15 F&R)
Yamaha ATVs: YFM Raptor 90 RY (09 F)
Please see our Warranty & Returns Policy.
- Includes Original Style Spring Set
- High Friction Linings
- Increased Efficiency
- Asbestos Free Motorcycle Brake Shoes